So Damn Insane
So Saddam is dead. They gave him a fair trial, found him guilty, and he hanged. I bet the Republicans are kicking themselves that they couldn't have gotten these kind of results in time for the elections.
Ok, I'm not gonna lie and say I have any idea what kind of political significance this holds. All I know is, I don't feel any sense of satisfaction about it. Typical response is likely, "woohoo, tyrant is dead, let 'em burn." But I'm just plain against the death penalty. Even for Hussein. I just think it says a lot about the human condition that we get such a sense of satisfaction and closure by taking a man responsible for bringing others to death, and killing him.
I dunno. I'll shut up.
Ok, I'm not gonna lie and say I have any idea what kind of political significance this holds. All I know is, I don't feel any sense of satisfaction about it. Typical response is likely, "woohoo, tyrant is dead, let 'em burn." But I'm just plain against the death penalty. Even for Hussein. I just think it says a lot about the human condition that we get such a sense of satisfaction and closure by taking a man responsible for bringing others to death, and killing him.
I dunno. I'll shut up.