Monday, May 29, 2006

Post the First

It's about time that I switch to a blog site that people have actually heard of. It's nice and simple, and somewhat respectable too. I'm gonna try to actually update this one on a somewhat regular basis.

For now, what I'm gonna do is just share some of my favorite links. I have quite a few interesting ones, and I always want to share them with someone, so now I can share them here, and it won't annoy you if you don't really care.

I'll start with Look Around You. It's a set of BBC "educational programs" that run about 8 or 9 minutes long each. When I watched "Maths," I at first thought it was a real in-the-classroom show. Once they suggested that the largest number was probably around 45 billion, I started to catch on. My favorites are Maths, Water, and Iron, but they're all pretty funny.

That's all for now, I may or may not eventually use this blog to also talk about my personal life. For now, Just Look Around You.


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