Post the First
It's about time that I switch to a blog site that people have actually heard of. It's nice and simple, and somewhat respectable too. I'm gonna try to actually update this one on a somewhat regular basis.
For now, what I'm gonna do is just share some of my favorite links. I have quite a few interesting ones, and I always want to share them with someone, so now I can share them here, and it won't annoy you if you don't really care.
I'll start with Look Around You. It's a set of BBC "educational programs" that run about 8 or 9 minutes long each. When I watched "Maths," I at first thought it was a real in-the-classroom show. Once they suggested that the largest number was probably around 45 billion, I started to catch on. My favorites are Maths, Water, and Iron, but they're all pretty funny.
That's all for now, I may or may not eventually use this blog to also talk about my personal life. For now, Just Look Around You.
For now, what I'm gonna do is just share some of my favorite links. I have quite a few interesting ones, and I always want to share them with someone, so now I can share them here, and it won't annoy you if you don't really care.
I'll start with Look Around You. It's a set of BBC "educational programs" that run about 8 or 9 minutes long each. When I watched "Maths," I at first thought it was a real in-the-classroom show. Once they suggested that the largest number was probably around 45 billion, I started to catch on. My favorites are Maths, Water, and Iron, but they're all pretty funny.
That's all for now, I may or may not eventually use this blog to also talk about my personal life. For now, Just Look Around You.